The action-packed thriller “100 Crores,” starring “Happy Days” fame Rahul Tyson alongside Chetan Kumar, Sakshi Chaudhary, Amy Aela, and Aishwarya Raj, is streaming now in Aha. Produced by Divijaa Karthik and Sai Karthik under the SS Studios banner, this edge-of-your-seat thriller is directed by Virat Chakravarthi. Originally released in theaters on September 20th, 2024, the film is now its thrilling the audiences on Aha.
The film boasts a gripping screenplay that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Each scene is filled with suspense, and the unpredictable twists and turns will leave you guessing until the very end. The thrilling action sequences and heart-pounding suspense create an unforgettable cinematic experience.
Chetan Kumar delivers a powerful performance with his impressive action skills, while Rahul Tyson shines as the menacing villain. Sakshi Chaudhary, Amy Aela, and Aishwarya Raj add glamour and intrigue to the narrative. The film’s captivating soundtrack is composed by Sai Karthik, further enhancing the viewing experience.
Hanuman Media, known for bringing acclaimed films like Nene Naa, Kajal Karthika, Kaalarathri, Little Hearts, Teenagers, and Shakahari to Telugu audiences through the Aha OTT platform, is now presenting “100 Crores” on Aha. Balu Charan, head of Hanuman Media, shared his excitement stating, “”100 Crores” is a fantastic action crime suspense thriller. It will undoubtedly entertain OTT viewers. Don’t miss it! If you missed it in theaters or want to watch it again, this is your chance. We are confident that “100 Crores” will be a super hit on Aha.”
With its gripping plot, talented cast, and thrilling action sequences, “100 Crores” is poised to be a must-watch for fans of suspense and action. Don’t miss it on Aha.