Rushi Kiran, an NRI Telugu talent making his debut as a lead actor with the film “The Suspect”, received immense praise from Balakrishna at the “Daaku Maharaj” pre-release event held in Dallas, USA. Dressed in “Akhanda” getup, Rushi Kiran, diehard of Balayya, captivated the audience and impressed Balakrishna with his unique presence.
The event witnessed a massive turnout of over 7,000 Telugu people from Dallas and surrounding states. During the celebrations, Rushi Kiran expressed his hopes that “Daaku Maharaj”, set to release this Sankranti, would become the biggest blockbuster of Balayya’s career. Meanwhile, Rushi Kiran’s debut film “The Suspect” is also gearing up for its release soon, creating anticipation among audiences.