Jayaho Ramanuja Movie logo launched today (January 29th, 2022) at Telugu Film Producers Council. The creator of Ramanuja movie Lion Sai Venkat, who is also directing the movie and acting in the main role Ramanuja announced that movie will be released all over the world in 5 languages (Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada & Sanskrit). American Actress Jo Sharma is acting as heroine of the movie.
The main chief guest of the movie launch event is Swami Sri Lakshmanacharyulu garu (Founder of SLVF Organization) and his son who graced the event with puja and logo launch. Mohan Vadlapatla, Producer and General Secretary of Telugu Film Producers Council (TFPC) also gave speech at the event. Director Sai Venkat daughters Sai Prasana and Pravalika are the main producers.
Media covered the event and everyone gave speeches. Director Sai Venkat honored all guests with shawl and flower bouquets.Shooting is scheduled to start in February 2022.
Jayaho Ramanuja Movie Press Meet
Actress Jo Sharma Heroine of Jayaho Ramanuja Movie HD Photos