The suspense sentimental thriller Tarakeshwari, produced under the Sri Shiva Sai Film banner, is being directed and produced by Venkat Reddy Nandi, featuring Srikaran, Anusha, and Shannu as the lead actors. The poster and trailer launch event was held grandly at the Telugu Film Chamber in Hyderabad.
Actress Karate Kalyani unveiled the movie poster, while the trailer was launched by actor Gharshana Srinivas.
Speaking on the occasion, Karate Kalyani said, “The trailer of ‘Tarakeshwari’ looks excellent. It seems to portray the fight between good and evil effectively. Movies like this deserve everyone’s support. It’s commendable that director Venkat Reddy has given opportunities to Telugu actresses.”
Hero Srikaran expressed, “It’s a matter of pride for all of us that Telugu cinema is now achieving pan-India recognition. Director Venkat Reddy has worked hard to make this film appealing to all. I hope everyone supports our movie.”
Heroine Anusha shared, “I am grateful to director Venkat Reddy for this opportunity. I urge everyone to support this film. While things might look easy from a distance, the effort involved becomes evident up close. Such movies that provide opportunities to Telugu talents need to be encouraged.”
Actor Gharshana Srinivas stated, “Hero Srikaran has a bright future ahead. The director’s talent is evident in this trailer. I urge everyone to support movies like this.”
Director Venkat Reddy said, “The movie has turned out excellently thanks to the efforts of our entire team. I’m confident the audience will appreciate it. We have crafted the film to live up to viewers’ expectations. Soon, we will hold the audio and pre-release functions on a grand scale.”
Actors Vadlapattu, Vinay Raj, and Archana, along with other unit members, expressed that the trailer has raised high expectations for the movie. They appealed to the audience to support small films.
Hero: Srikaran.
Heroines: Anusha, Shannu.
Villains: Chitram Sreenu, Venkateshwarlu Mooremreddy (VMR)
Supporting Cast: Srimani, Bala, M. Nagesh Babu, Srikanth, Naresh, Roshi Reddy, Vedashri, Subhadra, Niharika, Sushma, Subbu, Vanishree, Venkat Raju, MS Naidu, Prasad, Venkat Ramana (Nanu), Miraj
Technical Crew :
Cinematography: D. Yadagiri
Editing: Sai Kumar, Naresh. D
Music: Drums Ramu
Presented by: Sri Shiva Sai Films & Srikaran Productions
Producer & Director
Venkat Reddy Nandi
PROs: Kadali Rambabu, Dayyala Ashok