1′ At the outset, the Telugu Fitm lndustry is shocked and bewildered to note that some Telugu News Periodicals, websites, youTube channels are resorting to publish fake news, telecast mystified and utterly false news pertaining to Telugu Film Heroes and other fitm personalities purety for the sake of their livelihood’ They are spreading not only disrespectful and malafide News but going upto character assassinations. lt is a shame on their part, for they are living by resorting to such misdeeds.
2′ The recent act of one such Telugu News Periodica I / paper,,GREAT ANDHRA, which could not digest the welfare activities, being carried out by ,,The Devarakonda, Foundation” established by Hero vijay Devarakonda, started spilling venom through their unfound, unjustified and false news which is nothing that the said “GREAT ANDHRA” to btackmai! tactic, may be to ptease their behind the screen Bosses and to receive the alms from them.
3′ The person running the “GREAT ANDHRA” News paper started his activities from USA (silicon valley-sanjose) and he could not run show there because of stringent American Rules and Regulations, and therefore, he came back to lndia. He is now running the said Telugu News Paper underground from Banglore. He is getting this News paper printed from the press of a weil noted Telugu Daily.
Taking the advantage from political Big-wigs, he is blackmailing our cinema lndustry for money, by giving false ratings to Telugu movies. our Tetugu Film Producers are loosing huge revenue due to wrong Ratings given by this Newspaper. !t is pertainent to mention here that this Person/Great Andhra is demanding huge amounts from Fitm Producers for writing positive ratings for
their movies in his News paper and Website.
4′ The Devarakonda Foundation is doing stupendous service to the poor which is acclaimed by one and all. They are open and transparent in their wetfare activities.
5. The Tetugu Fitm Industry, having noted the blackmail tactic of the ,,GREATANDHRA” and the false news Published in their paper and website again Devorakonda Foundation I vUay, has condemned the said news and their blackmail tactic. The Heroes Sri Mahesh Babu, Sri Raviteja, Sri Rana Daggubati and Directors Sri Harish Shankar, Sri Vamshi Paidipaily, Sri Anil Ravipudi, Sri Koratla Shiva, etc have voiced their concern against such news and extended their support to Hero vrjay Devarakonda Hero Mahesh Babu twitted that ‘1some faceless person ready to do anyt’hing for money, disrespects, lies to readers and spreads misinformation att for his next pay-cheque ,,. Sri Mahesh
Babu added that he wants to protect our beautiful lndustry of Telugu Cinema and his fans.
6′ Recently, the Telugu Film Producers Council has decided to cail for a meeting with PROs / websites etc., to exptain them the need to write true and retiable News pertaining to our Telugu Film tndustry so as to instill confidence in the minds of the readers, but due to Corona Lock Down, the producerb Council could not hold the meeting with PRos, Cinema News Reporters, Websites, etc.
7′ We, therefore, condemn the News that was published recently in ,,GREATANDHRA” against “The Devarakonda Foundation” and Hero vijay Devarakondaand we extend our support to Hero vrjay Devarakonda for his welfare activities.
8′ The Telugu Film lndustry with one voice condemn The GREAT ANDHRA for its biased, false news and blackmaittactics.