The highly anticipated film VD 14, starring Vijay Deverakonda and directed by Rahul Sankrityan, is being produced by the prestigious banner Mythri Movie Makers. This film promises to be an action-packed period drama set during the British era. Produced with a massive budget by Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar, VD 14 has completed its pre-production phase, and shooting is set to begin soon.
The set work for the film officially commenced today, on the occasion of Republic Day. On this occasion, Director Rahul Sankrityan shared his thoughts on social media: “#VD14 set work started today with an auspicious pooja. A great tale on colonial history laid its first brick on our 76th Republic day. I am sure this film is going to be one of the most powerful films ever made on the Colonial history(unspoken) of India.”
VD 14 is being made as a large-scale pan-India project, based on real historical events that took place between 1854 and 1878, set against a 19th-century backdrop. This marks the third collaboration between Mythri Movie Makers and Vijay Deverakonda, following the success of Dear Comrade and Kushi. After their successful partnership in Taxiwala, Vijay Deverakonda and Rahul Sankrityan are reuniting for this film. More details about VD 14 will be revealed in the coming days.
Cast: Vijay Deverakonda, and others
Technical Team:
PRO: GSK Media (Suresh, Sreenivas)
Banner: Mythri Movie Makers
Producers: Naveen Yerneni, Y Ravi Shankar
Written & Directed by: Rahul Sankrityan