Renowned Telugu film director Cheruku Kranthi Kumar proudly shares that a feature he suggested to the WhatsApp product team has now been implemented in the popular messaging app. The newly introduced ‘Event Organizing’ feature for WhatsApp groups reflects Kranthi Kumar’s idea, marking a significant moment where a user’s feedback has influenced one of the world’s most widely used communication platforms.
Speaking about the achievement, Kranthi Kumar said: “I am thrilled to see an idea I suggested to the WhatsApp team being implemented as a new feature. It’s fulfilling to know that tech giants like WhatsApp are listening to users’ feedback and continuously improving their platform. This motivates me to keep contributing ideas that can enhance digital communication.”
The ‘Event Organizing’ feature enables users to schedule and manage group events within WhatsApp, allowing participants to RSVP and track event details without needing external tools. This feature simplifies coordination for group members, making it easier to plan gatherings, meetings, and celebrations.
About Cheruku Kranthi Kumar :
Cheruku Kranthi Kumar is a Telugu film director known for his work on the 2016 film “Trivikraman”. He has collaborated with Peep Show Films and is currently working on a pan-India film, with more details to be shared soon. Alongside filmmaking, Kranthi Kumar is passionate about exploring the intersection of technology and storytelling, which is reflected in his upcoming book, AI